Winter 2017 Newsletter
Quarterly Newsletter and Updates Winter 2017

Mosquito-proof Your Home

With winter upon us, now is the time to prevent mosquitoes from breeding on your property. Winter rains can fill any container that isn't properly covered. Any opening larger than the holes in a window screen will allow adult mosquitoes access. It only takes a bottlecap of water to breed mosquitoes. Not sure where to start? Here are a few of the most common places for mosquitoes to breed: ornamental fishponds, neglected swimming pools/spas/hot tubs, clogged rain gutters, sump pumps, tires, animal watering troughs, children's toys, and buckets.
Mosquitoes must have standing water to grow. Tip and toss or properly store any item holding water. If it is not possible to empty the water contact the District at (510) 783-7744 so we can provide you with a solution. Eliminating standing water now will reduce mosquitoes in the future.
In Memoriam

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Union City Trustee, Ronald (Ron) Quinn. Ron was a dedicated member of the ACMAD Board since 2001. In 2006, when the District completed the addition and remodel of the Hayward office, he served as Board President. Ron was a heart transplant recipient and was actively involved in outreach to the transplant community about their increased risk of contracting West Nile virus when it entered California. In addition to serving on the ACMAD Board, Ron was a husband, father, and grandfather. He was a good man who cared about his community, family, and really enjoyed his involvement with ACMAD since his retirement. His contribution to the Board and his community will truly be missed.
Zika Virus

Californians, particularly those living in areas with Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, are at risk of contracting the Zika virus, which could have devastating impacts on a developing baby. The highest risk is for women traveling to countries where the Zika virus is being transmitted locally by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and sexual transmission. While pregnant women are most at risk, other travelers, especially those of childbearing age, are also at risk of contracting the virus and passing it to others through sexual transmission.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recently released a PSA on the subject; you can view it here by visiting .
Here are a few things we want you to know.
Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that can infect both men and women. Most concerning of all, the virus can have detrimental effects on pregnant women and their child. This is why it is up to all of us to stay vigilant.
There are three main ways to contract the virus: (1) from infected mosquitoes, (2) through unprotected sex, and (3) from an infected mother to her developing baby.
First and foremost, the CDPH advises men and women of childbearing age to not go to areas with Zika. As you make travel plans, you can find out where Zika is present by visiting the following site: .
If you or your partner must travel to an area with Zika, it is important to note that the virus is spread through sexual intercourse and can live in men for up to six months; women, 8 weeks. The only way to avoid the virus is to abstain from sex entirely. Otherwise, safe sex should always be practiced.
Couples planning pregnancy after either has been exposed to the Zika virus should speak with their health care provider about a safe time to try to get pregnant.
Use an EPA-registered insect repellent when traveling and for 3 weeks after you return to prevent the spread of Zika back home. See your doctor right away if you have Zika symptoms like fever, rash, red eyes or joint pain.
For more information visit
Additional Resource from the CDC
West Nile Virus*
With an extremely wet spring creating plenty of sites for mosquitoes to breed, it is no surprise that 2017 proved to be another active West Nile virus (WNV) year. While the number of WNV positive dead birds and chickens was the lowest seen since 2010 (508 and 305 respectively), the number of positive mosquito samples (3371) surpassed the five-year average (3115). This translated into an increase over last year in the number WNV positive human cases (502) and WNV related human fatalities (28).
As the weather in California turns colder, the mosquitoes capable of transmitting WNV become less active. As such, the state West Nile virus, dead bird, and mosquito hotline, (877-WNV-BIRD) closes for the winter and dead bird reports must be submitted online at The hotline reopens again in the springtime when mosquito activity starts increasing. The totals for California's WNV activity are updated weekly and can be found at
*Data as of December 29, 2017
Quarterly Numbers
Upcoming Events
- Center of Emerging and Neglected Diseases (CEND) at UC Berkeley "Tech Show & Tell"- Friday, January 12th, 11:30am-1pm (UC Berkeley, Li Ka Shing Center Auditorium, Room 245)
- STEAM Night - Thursday, January 18th, 6pm-8pm (Thomas Hart Middle School, Pleasanton)
- Spring Home & Garden Show - Friday, February 16th to Sunday, February 18th (Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton)